Oak Street Beach: Chicago, Illinois

Oak Street Beach Food and Drink is a 3 minute walk from the Drake Hotel under the Oak Street Bridge to Lakeshore Trail.

Oak Street Beach Photo by Nicki Hurd

I decided to stay near due to blister on my feet from walking around the Loop, and have a casual dinner at the Lake. The Margarita on the Rocks was $9.00 nearly the same price as my Fish and Chips at $12.00 but seemed a fair price for such a great location.  Watching Lake Michigan splash was very relaxing.  July, 2012

Morning stroll along lake Michigan from the Gold Coast to the Navy Pier: Chicago, Illinois

It was early and the heat was coming in already, but I needed to peer at this historical place.

Morning stroll along lake Michigan from the Gold Coast to the Navy Pier

Lake Michigan from Lake Shore Hike and Bike Path Photo by Nicki Hurd

There were swimmers in the water getting their morning stroke in, and a few cyclist peddling.

Navy Pier started in 1916 and is nearly 100 years old.  It housed several regiments of soldiers during WW I.  During WW II, 15,000 pilots qualified for military services at the pier.  The Ferris wheel is modeled after the first Ferris wheel, built for Chicago’s 1893 World Colombian Exposition and is 15- stories- high.

bike/skate: Bike Chicago http://www.bikechicago.com/

July, 2012