Palo Duro

Access inside of the canyon’s numerous trails allowed us to wander dreamily like being in a painting and wishing I was here long enough to portray it on canvas (and had quality artistic ability). With a 360 spin I questioned  “why haven’t we romped here before”.

The Lighthouse Photo by Andrew Leggett

The Lighthouse Photo by Andrew Leggett

The Panhandle is a cool name, it is tinted with the hues of New Mexico.

Many of the glorious colors of the southwest were prominent.  The ones in the famous paintings of New Mexico and Arizona.


As I imagined what it would be like to picnic the whole day from each location and rotate 5 degrees every few minutes, we took pictures instead, trying to capture as much as possible.



December was a lovely time of year to be there. Summer in Texas is basically April until November (from my perspective). Blazing heat scorching the ground and us, would have taken some of the joy out of it for me. Sun on our skin and the movement kept us warm enough to poke around without heavy gear.


As far as we could see all around the circumference of the horizon there was no one else in view. An occasional encounter with other visitors near lavatories was the only clue that we did not have the place to ourselves. Entranced by the southwestern Zen space miles away from crowds, again I wondered what has taking me so long to experience the Texas Grand Canyon.


Our hybrid bicycles did okay on the central trails.


Only a couple other vehicles were on the 16 mile scenic drive.


The road loops around the floor of the canyon.


With plenty of places to pull over.



Palo Duro is a considerable distance from Austin even for the crows (#asthecrowflies the measurement for travel time).

Childress was our first stop for BBQ and sleep before visiting the Bison and Caprock Canyon.


I was proudly grinning with a full belly as we rolled into the Hampton Inn for a snooze because I knew that I had chosen a good location, that even touted a Walmart across the car park handy for supplies and fuel.

Gasping about how clever I was for deciding on Childress as we passed through Turkey, the ghost town with tumble weeds and literally not a soul to be seen or any evidence that people do more than just pass through the place – that google maps list as accommodations en route…..However, that may have been a thing of the past.


Dear me, I’m glad I suppressed my adventurous self from trying to book . Even if we managed to drag whomever reigns over the place out, we’d feel mighty self-conscious literally being the only humans around for miles. Driving out of the way of the crow’s route was wise of this old bird.  Childress was not a straight drive from home to Caprock or Palo Duro. Our energy would have been low to say the least traveling directly from Austin to Caprock Canyons State Park & Trailway and then have a look around. Bison are not known for coming out when you call and without the energy to search for them, we may have missed the glimpse we had.


Syon Park Isleworth England UK

The Hilton attached to Syon Park was a great place to stay on our way back.

IMG_20191026_141736441_HDRKew Gardens in near by and strolling and cycling was what I had in mind to relax before the long flight. Free parking made it convenient to keep the vehicle and drive ourselves to the airport.

IMG_20191026_142107280_HDRStaying near to parks makes me wish I had more time to linger in the quiet to read, write or painting the lovely surroundings.

IMG_20191026_142457221_HDRIs is easy for me to understand how locations inspire creativity.

Victoria & Albert Museum London England UK


Started off in the garden with a refreshing English Breakfast tea while watching a man feed the pigeons.


He was enjoying the doves eating directly out of his hand. The brilliants of the building, the lovely garden, mild sunny day and catching the joy the man was getting from the birds made for a perfect day.


Wandering through all of the historical artifacts preserved for hundreds of years makes it easy to understand the appeal of sophisticated large city.


It’s touching to see vibrant support for cultural achievements.

Hilton Syon Park England UK

I could not image what would not be liked at this location but I understand that people are looking for different things.


Peaceful surrounding near a major metropolis with easy airport access is an ideal start, or to wind-down after traveling for me.


The grounds have extensive places to meander or have a drink.


The sushi restaurant on the property does not serve booze and the hotel restaurant was not very memorable for dinner. However, breakfast was fine.

The hotel is set back from the road by a field.


An alleyway heading the other direction was convenient for cycle to meals and pedestrians only, keeping road traffic out.

The first evening our meal was at a pub on the canal.  Quiet with just a sprinkle of people and we had a dinning room to ourselves.


It would be lovely to dine al fresco next time.


Garvan Woodland Gardens – Hot Springs, Arkansas

University of Arkansas botanical gardens offered nice trails going through several different environments on a peninsula.


Gorgeous flowers distracted us so much that we did not make it to the famous chapel.


It would take more than one day to linger in the grand beauties.


Discovering the Train Garden at the end when we were tired and ready for dinner made me grown. I love mini trains.


The fairy garden is adorable.


On the next visit, I would make me way round beginning with the train and fairies.


Lovely places to read.


Or just sit a spell


A annual pass would get used, if I lived here.


Intriguing bridges.

IMG_4785.CR2I could do with a weeks morning walks here


Each day would have one area to focus on.



Imagine many painters spend the day here.


I envision a group of painters all painting a different area.


What a lovely group show that would be.


And of course photographers.


I’ll check to see if my UT Wildflower Center pass works.


Two states drive is not too far to see pretty flowers …


And lovely landscapes.


Let’s see…


How long is the drive from Austin?

Hot Springs, Arkansas

IMG_4765.CR2Green windy roads and tall trees are easy to enjoy. With the temperate weather, I wasn’t sure of what more that I could wish for.  Well, the lack of a pandemic comes to mind, but we have all heard and stressed enough about that. It must be busier without the drama but we do not require a crowd. There were enough people around to keep it interesting and to not feel like we were keeping anyone working just for us.


Our Honda handled the roads well and the traffic was manageable with only one road works slow down on our way out. A dinner guest of the Rooftop Bar at our hotel mentioned that they had an atrocious drive from Dallas due to road improvements.


The Rooftop Bar was good but they stuck us at the edge without the cover.  We asked if we could have a table near the heaters when someone left and they said yes, but forgot and left us sitting out in the cold until we reminded them and moved into the warmer spot out of the wind and rain. The Avenue at The Waters was closed.


This is my third time in Arkansas but I don’t recall being in or near the Ozarks from a holiday with the family early years. Well worthy of a road trip or two to explore the lakes and spend time in the mountains. Mount Magazine is on the list for a visit.

Hots springs is worthy of more than just a stop off on our way north. A historical spa town, with lakes all around, in a national park – that we did not get a chance to explore enough of – but we did make it to the lovely Garvan Woodland Gardens.

Our timing was good for Mountain Tower.


It wasn’t too busy, clear with panoramic heaven.


The historical road with the spas.


We could see our hotel from the tower.


Hot spring water is complimentary in a few places. Very tempting but to get full benefit I reckon large bottles were needed and would be heavy to carry, if collecting enough to fill a tub. Foot soak,maybe????   I thought…Hey, we travel with bottled water…takeaway water for the road. Someone from the group circling the fountains mentioned that one had cold water. Not sure if they were being hopeful for us, or just sending us off to get us out of the way. We checked a few fountains for cold water and were directed to an additional few places but nothing cold to drink. Filling the water bottles for the road didn’t work out. We fell back to the Ozarka water that traveled with us from Texas.

The Waters Hotel appeared the obvious choice near to the springs and national park. A historical hotel lacking the hot spring water connection that some accommodations have but updated with a rooftop restaurant. Top floor room facing the front with a view of the greenery was grand but unfortunately had a leaking toilet. Having recently replaced our own commodes, Andrew reminded us that it is rarely a quick fix and we should select another room. Front desk placed us just one floor down, a little smaller and closer to the road but still nice.


There was a moderate amount of road noise overnight but a reasonably quiet place. We are light sleepers. Our neighborhood is quiet and we use an air filter that makes a gentle hum so we are conditioned to sleeping with the white noise.  Yet to find the white noise app that works for us.

The parking is extra but handy and there is a public garage within walking distance. To keep an eye on the vehicle we went with the valet parking.


We could see our ride from the hotel grounds. The Waters backs into a hill accessible to guest to climb and walk down the slope to eateries and a few shops.

Being there for only two nights we stayed close to the Waters.


Cycling is not allowed in the national park. We rode along the high street and looped around the back roads.



Hannibal MO

Andrew suggested Hannibal as an overnight stop — listed as the inspiration for Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.


I’d hoped we’d land our CRV with ample daylight but it was late afternoon when we pulled up in the sloping car park. Andrew looked down at me from the suspended passenger side, as I warned that his door might slam shut on him while he climbed to his feet and held a skiers stop position.

Best Western was the best budget option that we found for the quick stay. When inquiring about meal recommendation, we asked about the brew pub. The man in line behind us at BW said “the brewery is his choice, when he is in town”. After checking in, we cycled up and down main street.

All things Mark Twain were closed. We pedaled past the writer’s home. Reckon, there are things to explore locally with more time, and the river running along the side- Intriguing houses loomed on the hill over the river and reminded me that I would like to take the river boat tour (that gave Twain his name) one day along the river through several state, dut it was late in the day and we intended to get an early start.

The high street is only a couple of blocks, it was getting dark, the driving left us weary and hungry. During my short phone chat with my father, he mentioned my sounding listless. It was a lovely visit and I was still enjoying the adventure although, the voice reveals the deflation when you leave your kin. The way to the holidays holds more sparkles. Just sizzles at the end.

After poking around the other eateries, we landed at the Mark Twain Brewing Company 422 Main Street Hannibal MO 63401 573-406-1300

At the time unaware of places closing early, we nearly missed out. Ours was the last meal served.

Our bones were road weary and minds cautious of scary southern places and people….we were being watched and could feel eyes on us. Nothing to see here – just two people  ….Peeking in the all of the windows and hesitant to go into the joint – folks were dancing! OMG! Can you imagine? Hoofers were enjoying themselves! Gentlemen lifting arms and twisting their ladies. Thoughts surged that it might be loud and the entrance was hiding from us, but finally we made it in. Frankly, a lass that was watching us scampering around the building from her perch at Tipsy Bricks Bar on the hill above us – ( she must have gotten frustrated watching us scurrying around like ants)  finally called out to us… what we heard….a whiskey slurred deep southern accent “the entrance is on the other side.” Shamed from our fatigued paranoia, needing to release ourselves from surveillance, we straddled the bikes, hobbled to the other side and crawled in.


The brewery only had tables inside. During the pandemic we hadn’t stretched our comfort zone that far yet. The few eateries down the block had seats outside, but with music blasting and not the sort that I enjoy listening to. It sounded like the loops that is played everywhere of good, but stale old pop music.


A band of agged locals were playing southern instruments and looked to be enjoying themselves. Our energetic serve informed us that they play on their own accord. Just show up when they like, without pay, I reckon. It sounded great, added to the atmosphere, and was lovely to see them out and enjoying themselves.

We may have been the last ones served but Ariana beamed and showed no disappointment about us possibly causing her to work until the last call for vittles.

IMG_20200930_195520156 (1)

Ariana was a gracious host for our meal of Pit Steak, Fried Mozzarella (roasted ravioli; also known as fried ravioli) , onion rings, flights including Clemens Kolsch, Willowbrook, American Pilsner, Neipa, Jumping Frog, Doppelbock, King Arthur’s Court, and A Wee Bit Foggy. Clemens Kolsch is so good that we ordered two pints, and hope to discover the recipe or get distribution to Austin.


It was a special treat with tasty bites, delightful suds, atmosphere with character and lovely service. If I lived there and went out as I did early doors, a favorite stool or table would have me bum prints on it.

Ironworks Hotel Beloit Wisconsin

Waterfronts are a good place to wiggle around. If I see them near a prospective holiday let, a magnetic pull draws me in.Cautions of wind, rain, noise and distance disappears from my mind scouting for a bed. Could I set up a bell to go off to remind me to think of the season, amount of time staying and consider that it might be nice being near events we will partake in, less blisters. The alarm bell could ring out the important reminders; remember quiet as a requirement and proper insulated modern room not facing the high street have potential. This time I selected well.


Ironworks gallantly stands on Rock River and made me happy by supplying a complimentary washing machine, (very convenient who wants to travel with loads of dirty clothes), a roof for our bicycles, (next time we will ask before leaving them outside and they are drenched with rain, it took two days to dry the seats) and back window facing the water ( the balcony ones would be even nicer, but a wee bit out of budget, even with the AARP discount). Priced well for a large city but this is Beloit Wisconsin. Are there 200 people living there??? Not to sound like a snob, I enjoy finding charms in out of the way places.


October was a little cool and cloudy but pleasant enough.


Industrial building has been trending, it not only suits the Ironworks and area but is authentic.


Legged it to have a look around.


The pedestrians bridge behind taking us to the other side of Rock River is also in harmony with nod to it’s local history.


Meandering around the river on our bicycles and Riverside park just north, we passed  occasional amblers.


The rooftop pub at Hotel Goodwin was a nice place to get some air and my Lemon Vodka cocktail recommended by the barkeep was delicious and beautiful with the floating flower in it.


Almost too pretty to drink but I made me way through it.


The eateries just steps away are decent and convenient. Drinks for sure – with no need for Uber!


In for the night and a bit peckish we ordered from Merill & Houston; after reception was able to located the delivery personal. We tried ringing directly but there was no answer. During the strange times of covid, we appreciate that places are open and able to stay in business. It is understandable that none of us are fully operational just yet.

When the three appetizers we ordered arrived, the server insisted on placing it inside. We had to make space on the bed and I wearing inside clothes that are not meant to be seen by others, expecting there to be a cart for us to wheel in after signing the bill. One of the starters was still warm but the other two were cold. Not much appear to be on offer that was gluten free. Andrew picked at the bits of food that could be salvage for him, not wanting to risk an allergic reaction while traveling. Reckon, the takeaway from the steak joint was not as savory.  Next time, we’ll dine in for steaks. Our verdict being that it was too pricey for nibbles.


It’s presumably the top accommodation closest to my father. Rooms are befitting and I can’t imagine a better choice for a couple of days. Autumn an acceptable time to visit but closer to summer or spring would be even better seasons. The Rock Bar and Grill  were on the list to sample but forgotten…next time.


Aromatherapy redolence was lovely and made the short journey to do the chores of laundry or collecting ice a treat. The staff were all professional and helpful. We were asked no less than 5 times if we were leaving when we were loading the vehicle. Although, I’d say we take the business and staffs needs into consideration, it was hours before check-out time. Finally, we told them we would be gone within and hour and sure to stop by the desk with the keys first. That allowed us the time to focus on loading the car in the best way for our long journey.

We’d love to stay again and enjoyed ourselves at this strange time.

Hilton Garden Inn Dublin Custom House

“Oh I do Like To Be Beside the Quayside.”

It drew my attention because it is on the River Liffey. Staying near to water with a view is soothing to me, and I thought I would not mind it being a little out of the way for us (generally preferred).



Harbourmaster Bar and Restaurant was my favorite discovery in the vicinity.


There was a Christmas market just a few steps away that appeared to be just getting started.


It is a couple of miles away from most of the touristy things we did. Not bad if you don’t want to be right in the center of it all. Summertime must attract loads of visitors to that area. It was a bit too cold to cycle around the river as I had hoped to, or linger near the water. A cold wind pushed us back.

The Ha’penny Bridge is one option for hopping over the water to The Temple Bar.


Love locks on the The Ha’penny Bridge.

The first words from reception when we arrived around 8am was that we were early.

That was not what I wanted to hear after booking online and making a point that we would like an early check-in…Also rang to confirm our booking – again requested early check-in and in total I had 3 encounters with the hotel before we arrived and during each I mentioned the request.

Fair enough, if they do not have rooms available but our faces sank being jet-lagged and needing sleep. I was surprised to hear her say they had a room available and she would put us on the first floor to avoid some of the construction noise. Was a bit confused as to the reason for pointing out that we were early. Since I booked in August for a December stay and selected the options for a high floor with river view and early check-in – I was not thrilled with the lower tier offer but managed to get the keys to the fourth floor.

Transportation (The Airlink) from the airport is convenient and stops close to the hotel, but we weren’t aware that it did not start until 7am on Sundays. We had already purchased Hop on Hop Off tickets* that included Airlink travel. Our plane arrived early (5:00am). After lingering at the airport to wait for the transport to wake up and collect us- we were losing the battle to try to stay awake and really needed a quiet space.

*Btw…the Hop on Hop Off did not have 3 routes as listed. The driver was enjoyable but not sure I would recommend it. Our understanding was they cut 2 of the routes (ones we wanted to take) – we did not finish the whole tour so perhaps we missed out on the best parts.

The hotel construction was not taking place on Sunday, our first day there, but did wake us up Monday and was loud enough to motivate us to get out. That wasn’t a bad thing for us as we were only visiting for 2 days and did not intend to spend it at the hotel. Renovation noise was coming from the lower and ground floor leaving us confused about the recommendation to sleep on the first level.

The room had an adequate view and is a fair enough size for us. Bed was comfortable and we would have loved to have spent many hours in it to have caught up. Construction did not bother us for the amount of time we were visiting, but would imagine it is not ideal for someone that needed quiet time there while they’re building.

I could not get enough hot water for a decent bath or shower. The bath had some dark spots in it that may have been from a drip or some kind of cleaning fluid left behind. It occurred to me that may have been why reception tried to steer us to a room already updated. There was no air conditioning. Although it was December it gets stuffy. Changing out the stale air should be a requirement of all hotels. Hopefully, it is in the finished accommodations. We opened the window and were woken up by a motorbike parade. Had a laugh about it because we did want to get up and out.

Reckon the refurbishing has been a challenge for the associates that are there daily. The Reception crew were attentive, gave us helpful information, and were very likeable.

Our breakfast was good and we enjoyed drinks in the pub. Servers were nice enough but not as amiable as front desk.

The rate was better than the Hilton down the way, but I think it should include breakfast and an evening cocktail or starter. In my opinion all hotels (especially one booking during restoration) should do that…offer better price points. We would spend more at their location if they included enticements.

Would book here again during a different season. It would be interesting to see the completion of the renovation… Provided they installed a/c.;-) Reckon the rooms are muggy in summer without airflow. If we stay in December again for only a couple of nights, I will book a different location because of it being too cold near the river and our being fatigued.

Cosplay Hyatt O’Hare

It was impossible not to admire the trouble they went to.20171216_105111The Hyatt is clearly ideal for this sort.IMG_20171216_103746226_BURST000_COVER

Minus 15 outside but no one here is cold.IMG_20171216_110311272No ice inside to slip or roll on.IMG_20171216_110149553_BURST000_COVER

He grew larger before our eyes.IMG_20171215_231125054IMG_20171216_103448091After checking in we had to venture around to count characters.20171216_110444 IMG_20171216_112350132 IMG_20171216_105508438 IMG_20171216_110238815We wondered how comfortable they were.IMG_20171215_220517849 IMG_20171215_220520899

Appeared lively or…IMG_20171216_110219915_BURST000_COVER IMG_20171215_220505003 IMG_20171216_105419250_BURST000_COVER IMG_20171216_112333369… just relaxing a spell.