About me

Hi, I’m Andrew Leggett, an Englishman living in Austin, Texas.  I make a living as a software consultant, but when I need to escape from the pressures of work, you’ll often find me peering through a camera’s viewfinder.

I’ve been taking pictures all my life, but I never had the patience or budget to be a film photographer. Digital photography provided the opportunity for me to experiment and learn, and over the last five or six years my experience and equipment list has grown, but I am still as excited as ever about learning and trying out new things.

I would describe myself as a keen amateur photographer (I’ve never made a penny from photography).  I simply enjoy the whole process of photography, from the preparation through to the finished result.  I’m entirely self-taught; picking up tips from forums, blogs such as this, and – as a last resort – reading manuals, but by far the best lessons can be learned by just getting out there, taking pictures and seeing the results.

This blog is a way for me to organise and share my views about photography, and pass on techniques that have helped me, and I also hope I get some enjoyment from writing about something that gives me a lot of pleasure.  If anyone stumbles across this, then I hope they can take away something positive.  I also hope that visitors will leave comments to share their opinions on the topics so that I can learn from them too.

All the pictures on this site were taken by me, and I want to build this blog around the photographs themselves by explaining all the elements that go into creating the image, and hopefully inspiring other photographers.

Enjoy the site

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